7 tips to make google friendly wordpress websites

1.    Make sure HTTPS is enabled

Host with a dedicated IP address. Buy an SSL certificate.Request the SSL certificate. Install the certificate. Update your site to enable HTTPS.


2.    Optimize your URLs

 Begin With the Page Title Page titles usually make perfect URLs for Google, so if you don’t know where to start, go with a page title. Make Urls Readable . Remove Special Characters and Numbers . Categorize Content With Subfolders .


3.    Use an SEO plugin

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is nothing but a technique to rank your website at the top position on the internet, i.e. on the most popular search engines such as Google, Safari, Yahoo, etc. SEO is used by many organizations to rank their website’s content at the top compared with other companies. It is used to increase the number of traffic


4.    Meta descriptions

A meta description is a short summary, usually a character count of 160 or less, that is shown in the search results and gives a searcher an idea of what your page content is about.


5.    Craft good content

Anyone can produce content. But content without a purpose is not effective. You need to consider the goals of your content marketing strategy. Ask yourself what you want your audience to do when they consume your content. Whatever that answer is, your content needs to be engaging if you want to accomplish those goals. What is engaging content? Well, it all depends on whom you ask and how it’s measured.

6.    Site optimization

while SEO is an essential part of website optimization, it’s not the end-all-be-all of optimization.



7.    Keep an eye on your analytics.

As social media managers, sometimes it’s difficult to prove our success. Even if you devote your entire day to social media, you might not be aware of how well your content is doing. The easiest way to keep track of your progress is to check your analytics.